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Written by: Rabbi Sam Shor

The Israel Center, the Orthodox Union’s Jerusalem headquarters, has long been known as an epicenter for high caliber Torah learning, quality tiyulim and exceptional social events for Jerusalem’s Anglo community. In recent years, these outstanding programs have been for many among Jerusalem’s anglo community a bit of an unknown, particularly among young professional olim.

In an effort to expand the reach and impact of the outstanding and renowned programming of the OU Israel Center, Rabbi Sam Shor, the center’s Program Director, has spear-headed the launch of JCHAT-the Jerusalem Community Hub for Anglos and Torah-a new young professionals division of OU Israel which provides  Chizuk, Shiurim, social events and rabbinic mentorship and guidance.
The OU Israel Center recently partnered with YU Connects, a division of the Center for the Jewish Future of Yeshiva University, to host a Shiur and Sushi event for Singles ages 23-33. More than 120 young professionals attended this outstanding event 9.
 Jchat Hannukah FB
JCHAT will host it’s official launch event  with a FREE Chanuka Celebration on Wednesday Dec. 28th featuring a Vodka and Latke Bar, Divrei Torah from Rabbi Sam Shor, and live music from the Yonatan Attias Band….For more details contact Rikki Liff, Associate Manager of Programs at the OU Israel Center 02-560-9100, ext. 127.