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Chanukah was a busy time for various Makom BaLev groups.

Holon: Chanukah Party

In Holon about 55 fifth, sixth and seventh graders got together for a Chanukah party at the local school where they meet regularly. They designed dreidels, made sufganiyot (doughnuts), saw a skit and danced a bit.

One of the fifth graders said that he was really glad that Makom BaLev had a Chanukah program. His parents were at work and being with friends is much better than staying at home alone.

Chanukah party at Makom BaLev in Holon.

Netanya: Lighting Chanukiot in Town

Makom BaLev went all over town lighting Chanukiot and singing Chanukah songs.

Beit Shemesh: Bringing Chanukah Joy to Others

Teens made a place in their hearts for people who welcomed their singing and happy faces.