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The Gustave and Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education

With gratitude to the Hoch and Frankel families, in the fall of 2019 OU Israel, in cooperation with global OU Kosher, launched the Gustave & Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education in memory of their dear parents. Gustave and Carol were pioneers of Kashrut in America, ensuring that for generations to come Jews in America, and subsequently around the world, have easy access to quality Kosher food. As pillars of OU Kosher, it is an honor to run this program in their memory.

Run by Rabbi Ezra Friedman, a graduate of Yeshivat Ohr Etzion and a close disciple of Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, the Kashrut Center educates tens of thousands of people on a weekly basis about Kashrut observance. This is accomplished through weekly shiurim, a dedicated column in OU Israel’s Torah Tidbits, engaging videos, and a Kashrut Hotline, already providing responses to thousands of questions / she’eilot since the Center’s opening.

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Rabbi Friedman’s Weekly Article in Torah Tidbits

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Archived Videos
Kashering for Pesach - OU Kosher & Ambassador and Mrs. Friedman Rabbi Ezra Friedmann
Dairy on Shavuot - The Basics of Hard Cheese Rabbi Ezra Friedmann
RCA Shemitta Shiur (Aug 18, 2021) Rabbi Ezra Friedmann
OU Kosher Shemitta Shiur # 2 (Aug 26, 2021) Rabbi Ezra Friedmann
Shemitta And Kedushas Sheviis – Fundamentals Rav Schachter
Forfeiting Ownership on Shmita Rabbi Ezra Friedmann

OUIsrael News

The supervisors who enter the largest companies
We attended the annual conference of the OU kosher which this year 100 years of observance around the world.
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