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We are so excited to announce that we will be iyH running the Rosh Chodesh Nisan seminar in-person at the OU Israel center!!!  The program will also be broadcasted live by Zoom for those who are unable to come in person.

Please note that we will be stringently following the government Corona guidelines. This includes the following:

  1. Participants MUST show their green passport or the תו ירוק app along with ID at the door. Alternatively, if one was sick and recovered, presentation of תעודת החלמה is acceptable as well.
  2. Masks and social distancing are required
  3. There is limited seating available (acc. to government guidelines) and therefore pre-registration is ABSOLUTELY mandatory

If you have any help with registration, please contact Esther at 058-447-0451 or David at 058-630-6073 (S-Th from 9-2) with any questions.


Bookings are closed for this event.