Chevron – From Ruin to Redemption
Monday, November 19, 9am-6pm
Join Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, resident of Chevron, as we explore sites that bring to life our forefathers and mothers
- Short visit to Kever Rachel
- Tel Chevron – new exavations including site where Avraham bought Maarat HaMachpelah from Ephron
- Kevarim of Yishai & Rut
- Beit Ramano – see newly approved residences
- Maarat Hamachpelah – daven Mincha at the burial place of our Avot & Imahot
- Ariel Farm – meet Amichai & Rena Ariel to hear about their history & vineyard named in memory of their daughter Hallel murdered in June 2016
Members: 180NIS NM: 195NIS price includes rock-proof bus & guard
Call to reserve: 02-5609110
Bookings are closed for this event.