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OU Israel Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Seminar for Women

Thursday, October 31  – 2 Cheshvan, 8:45AM – 1:00PM

In loving memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld a’h
מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל

Focusing on Enhancing our Shabbat Experience


8:45 – 9:00          Registration


9:00 – 9:40          Using our Chagim Inspiration to Enhance our Shabbos experience

Mrs. Zemira Ozarowski


Spicing Up the Shabbos Table

Mrs. Sarah Lewis- Levy


9:40 -10:25          Shabbat – Intense Connection in Time

Mrs. Chana Deutsch


10:25 – 11:10     The 39 Melachot and Our Shabbat Observance

Rabbi Yaakov Haber


11:10 – 12:10  Brunch Inspiration

How Shabbos Changed My Life


12:10 – 1:00        A Heightened Appreciation for Shabbos

Mrs. Chana Silver

– Free Babysitting

– Brunch Provided

– 40nis advanced registration (by Oct 28 )/ 50nis at the door

For more information and to register:





Bookings are closed for this event.