A virtual program for girls aged 11-14 and their mothers! Join us for the kickoff event this coming Tuesday at 7:30pm. We will learn about אשת חיל and then create beautiful אשת חיל masterpieces under the guidance of a paint party professional! We will also hear some inspiring words from Rena Ariel, mother of Halle Yaffa hy”d. Free of charge! Special way to spend some quality time with your daughter! Register and check out the supply list below!
Supplies needed:
Canvas or thick drawing paper aprox 25×35
Glue stick
2 paintbrushes (1 big and 1 small)
Red, yellow, blue, white – goshe paint
Bowl or cup with water for changing colors
Plate for mixing
Please print out this Eishet Chayil text for the project: eishet chayil
Please print out this souresheet as well to learn b’chavruta with your daughter at the event: eishet chayil ss
Bookings are closed for this event.