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OU Israel Chizuk During Our Time of Crisis

OU Israel joins Klal Yisrael in davening for the welfare of our brave Chayalim, those injured and in captivity, and all of our brothers and sisters. We send our deepest heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones in this terrible war. We want to take this opportunity to let you know that we are here for each and every one of you and your families. We often speak of the “OU Israel family.”
We will do our best to stand by you and your families and offer our support to help you during this challenging time and its aftermath.

In accordance with security regulations, the OU Israel Center will remain closed to the public for the week ahead. No regular shiurim or programs will take place.

We will however be organizing two daily chizuk Zoom sessions. These daily opportunities to come together virtually will feature words of chizuk and perspective from OU Israel Faculty members as well as the opportunity to recite tehilim together virtually.

Here is the schedule for these Zoom Sessions:

1. Daily Morning Chizuk Zoom Sessions- Mon-Thurs @ 10:30 AM- Monday-Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider, Tuesday- Rabbi Anthony Manning, Wednesday- Rabbi Avi Herzog, Thursday- Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Below please find the Zoom details for the morning sessions:

Meeting ID: 852 7454 9527
Passcode: 858691

2. Daily Afternoon Chizuk Zoom Sessions-Mon-Thurs @ 5pm- Monday-Rabbi Jeff Bienenfeld, Tuesday- Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum, Wednesday-Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Thursday-Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler

Below please find the Zoom details for the afternoon sessions:

Meeting ID: 895 7358 4421
Passcode: 403535

May HaKadosh Baruch Hu watch over and protect our chayalim, all those in harm’s way, and all of Am Yisrael.

Archived Videos
Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
OU Israel L'Ayla Chizuk Event for Women Dina Schoonmaker, Shira Smiles, and Shani Taragin
Chizuk from the Teachings of Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider
Turning Fear Into Courage: Chizuk v'Imutz in Times of Crisis Rabbi Anthony Manning
Chizuk: On the Third Day Rabbi Dr. Ahron Adler
Chizuk: Yom Kippur as a Model Rabbi Avi Herzog
Chizuk: But I Am Scared! Is That a Lack of Bitachon? Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum
Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Shmuel Goldin Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Falling and Rising Rabbi Ari Kahn
Ivdu Es Hashem B'simcha! Now? But how? Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum
Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Baruch Taub Rabbi Baruch Taub
Divrei Chizuk from Pearl Borow Pearl Borow
Hashem is with Us Rabbi Shai Finkelstein
Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Jeff Bienenfeld Rabbi Jeff Bienenfeld