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29 July

JCHAT Tu B’Av Torah and Wine Tasting for Young Professionals 

Thirty young professional olim joined JCHAT- The Jerusalem Community Hub for Anglos and Torah- OU Israel's young professional community for a special Tu B'Av visit to Ella Valley Winery. Upon arrival to the Winery's beautiful visitors' center, Rabbi Sam Shor shared an inspirational text based class- "The Power of Love."...
12 July

Shaarei Shmuel: A Torah Thought with Rabbi Sam Shor

To subscribe to receive this video each week via whatsapp please send a message to 972-50-230-0477   The Three Weeks: Preparing for Geula    Shiva Asar B'Tammuz: Anticipating Redemption    Parshat Balak 5779: Protected by Unity    Parshat Korach 5779: Healthy Debate Endures Divisive Ideas do not    Parshat Shelach 5779: Eternal Connections    Parshat Beha'alotcha 5779: Humble Greatness    Yom Yerushalayim 5779:...
30 November

JChat Chanuka Celebration with the Solomon Brothers (at the OU Israel Center)

Chanuka Celebration with the Jerusalem Community Hub for Anglos and Torah-The young professionals’ division of OU Israel  (ages 25-45) Wednesday December 13 Doors Open at 7:30 pm for Cocktails featuring a Vodka and Latke Bar Community Candle-lighting, Divrei Torah from Rabbi Sam Shor Featuring a  live music show with The solomon brothers האחים...
13 August

Shir, Shmear, Volunteer -Chesed and Fun for Young Professionals ages 25- 45.

Shir, Shmear, Volunteer Thursday , August 17, 7:45 pm The Jerusalem Community Hub for Anglos & Torah invites you to an evening of chesed and fun -Featuring inspirational & soulful live music with Anders “Bentzion” Nerman -Help package school supplies for children in need -Meet new friends For Young Professionals ages 25- 45. ( light dairy Bagel Buffet served) 30 NIS Pre Registration...
8 June

JCHAT and YU Israel Alumni present… Friday Night Dinner for young professionals at the OU Israel Center

JCHAT and YU Israel Alumni present… Friday Night Live at the OU Israel Center Friday evening June 16 Candle lighting 7:06 pm Mincha 7:30 pm followed by soulful Kabbalat Shabbat Festive and warm Shabbat dinner with Rabbi Sam Shor and Family For young professionals ages 25-45… RSVP’s REQUIRED (02-5609-110) or click: .95 nis Per Person