Tomorrow’s soldiers and statespeople need our help.

For 25 years, OU Israel has been propelling Israeli teens on the edge into a positive future by providing a supportive community, strong mentors, and meaningful life tools.

Now, war has robbed these teens of their homes, friends, and any sense of security. It has also devastated their safe communities and second homes – OU Israel’s 22 Teen Centers.

With your partnership, we can use our relationships, infrastructure, and experience to give the teens a network of support as they rebuild their lives – and our country.

our teen programs

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Teen Clubs

Extend structure and mentorship to teens in underprivileged communities.

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Zula Drop-In Centers

Are a sanctuary for at-risk teens and young adults seeking warmth, guidance, and support.

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Provide rejuvenating experiences where teens can connect with mentors and friends.

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Midreshet Zusha

Offers a hybrid work/sheirut leumi seminary program for young women at risk.

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Alumni Program

Continues to mentor and support young adults throughout their army or national service.

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Leadership Development Programs

Help teens grow through volunteering, community building, pre-military preparation, and a mentoring program for alumni.

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Teen Clubs

Extend structure and mentorship to teens in underprivileged communities.

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Zula Drop-In Centers

Are a sanctuary for at-risk teens and young adults seeking warmth, guidance, and support.

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Provide rejuvenating experiences where teens can connect with mentors and friends.

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Midreshet Zusha

Offers a hybrid work/sheirut leumi seminary program for young women at risk.

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Alumni Program

Continues to mentor and support young adults throughout their army or national service.

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Leadership Development Programs

Help teens grow through volunteering, community building, pre-military preparation, and a mentoring program for alumni.

Teen Centers
throughout Israel
teens served
invested in Israel’s
teens each year
of "graduates" enter the
IDF or National Service
Now the ground
has shifted
under our teens.

Thousands of Israel’s teens are troubled or at risk due to the war.
Nearly 40,000 have been displaced. All are scared, lonely, and dangerously bored.

Our staff have stepped up in unbelievable ways to get our teens through this – even though many are displaced and 60% of them (or their spouses) have served in the war.

On his off-Shabbos from Gaza, an advisor got together with 200 teens from Maaleh Adumim.

For a recent Shabbaton, a director sent buses to 17 cities to pick up just the displaced girls from Kiryat Shmonah so they could reconnect with their friends.

Advisors travel all over the country, from Eilat to Teveria to Ashkelon, to visit their teens.

Despite our wartime loss of government funding, we have expanded existing programs and even introduced new ones:

Advisors hold meetings in temporary locations and have opened new groups to meet the higher demand.

We launched a crisis hotline, where trained social workers and volunteers offer emotional support and referrals to thousands of struggling teens.

We started a new Teen First Responder Leadership Program to empower teens to assist in emergencies.


With your help,
we can do even more.

here’s our plan


Repair and refurbish 11 damaged Teen Centers.

Add security measures to all 22 Centers.

Move 4 shelter-based branches to permanent locations.

Build Teen Centers in the hard-hit cities of Ofakim and Netivot.


Offer more therapeutic workshops and special programming to help teens move past trauma.

Create new programs to complement our existing ones.

Host more Shabbatonim.

Develop our new Teen First Responder Leadership Program, which trains teens to help those in need.


Provide our staff with trauma education and teach them when to refer teens to the mental health care system.

Create advanced professional training for branch directors in light of the complexities of the war.

Recruit new staff to serve our increased numbers of teens.

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My advisor is like a brother to me. Even when we're displaced here in Eilat he comes and takes us out.
At the Zula I have the feeling that I'm important, to believe in the good that's in me, to deal with my difficulties, and to know that I can ask for help.
Your hotline enabled me to express myself for the first time in a while and provided me with strength to keep my head up.
My advisor is like a brother to me. Even when we're displaced here in Eilat he comes and takes us out.
At the Zula I have the feeling that I'm important, to believe in the good that's in me, to deal with my difficulties, and to know that I can ask for help
Your hotline enabled me to express myself for the first time in a while and provided me with strength to keep my head up.

One staff member’s dedication

After October 7, Emunah Tawil, one of the original staff members of Tzfat Zula, faced a challenging situation. Many of the male staff members were called to reserves, and many female staff members traveled south to their parents with their children. With her husband fighting in Gaza and a young infant, Emunah initially did likewise. However, her “Zula girls” sent countless heartfelt messages expressing how much they missed the center and begging for its reopening.

Determined to support her community, Emunah made a courageous decision. Despite the personal challenges of caring for a new baby alone, she chose to return home and keep the Tzfat Zula open. Her dedication ensured that the girls who relied on the Zula for support and community had a place to turn during difficult times.

story story

Why OU Israel?

By supporting OU Israel, you are:

Backing a system that has served Israel’s teens for more than 20 years. We have developed approaches, infrastructure, and relationships that have transformed thousands of lives.
Leading the way in teen support, with scalable, sustainable models. We are already training other individuals and organizations in our research and data-based methods.
Investing in the future and maximizing the long-term impact of your donation. Our programming will help Israel’s teens navigate this, and then move forward, rebuild their lives, and shape our nation’s future.
hero promise

This is a difficult time. But at the same time, we feel the nation awakening. This is not just a war to survive but a war that will take us somewhere else. The teens feel it and they are motivated to improve their lives in ways they never were before.

When you support OU Israel’s Teen Centers, you are helping Israel not just today but tomorrow. Together, we can give Israel’s future a safe place to grow.

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